An antonym is a word having a meaning opposite to that of another word

  1. Success  X   failure
  2. Private   X    Public
  3. Individual X   common
  4. Large X little
  5. Various X little
  6. Perfect X imperfect
  7. Silence X sound, noise
  8. Intermittent X constant
  9. Commotion X peace
  10. Mercilessly X kindly
  11. Shallow X deep
  12. Presence X absence
  13. Straight X crooked
  14. Universal X particular
  15. Trust X distrust
  16. Valuable X worthless
  17. Increase X decrease
  18. Encourage X discourage
  19. Refuse X accept
  20. Carelessly X carefully
  21. Several X few
  22. Heat X cool
  23. Distress X soothe
  24. Pain X pleasure
  25. Rapidity X slowness
  26. Seldom X often
  27. Excess X shortage
  28. Distant X close
  29. Placate X enrage
  30. Scatter X gather
  31. Arrival X departure
  32. Weakness X strength
  33. Normal X abnormal
  34. Clumsy X clever
  35. Weaken X strengthen
  36. Numerous X few
  37. Humble X  rude
  38. Wisdom X dolly
  1. Optimistic X pessimistic
  2. Heavy X light
  3. Mischievous X well-behaved
  4. Optimistic X pessimistic
  5. Simplicity X complexity
  6. Sensitive X insensitive
  7. Modern X traditional
  8. Early X late
  9. Initial X final
  10. Ancient X modern
  11. Inclusion X exclusion
  12. Tentative X definite
  13. Natural X artificial
  14. Separate X unite
  15. Positive X negative
  16. Gloom X cheer
  17. Paradise X hell
  18. Enemy X friend
  19. Peace X violence
  20. Knowledge X ignorance
  21. Slavery X mastery
  22. Courageous X cowardly
  23. Delicate X strong
  24. Extensive X intensive
  25. Major X minor
  26. Memorable X forgettable
  27. Survive X die
  28. Vigorous X lethargic
  29. Progress X regress
  30. Skinny X fat
  31. Global X local
  32. Solution X problem
  33. Equality X inequality
  34. Prosperity X poverty
  35. Darkness X lightness
  36. Delicate X rugged
  37. Permanent X   temporary
  38. Difficult X     east
  39. Greedy X    generous
  40. Sane X    insane
  41. Devil X   angle
  42. Tiresome X   interesting
  43. Active X   passive
  44. Remember X    forget
  45. Cautiously X  carelessly
  46. Shabby X   elegant
  47. Lie X  truth
  48. Respect X   disrespect
  49. Broad X   narrow
  50. Internal X  external
  51. Rare X   common
  52. Vanish X   appear
  53. Victory X defeat
  54. Mature X   immature
  55. Loyal X    disloyal
  56. Hate X   love
  57. Dead X  alive
  58. Reward X  punishment
  59. Gain X loss
  60. Curse X   boon
  61. Reveal X   conceal
  62. Praise X   blame

Opposite words (Antonyms) are formed by using the prefix ‘un_____’

  1. Attractive X  unattractive
  2. Able X  unable
  3. Available X  unavailable
  4. Aware X unaware
  5. Clear X  unclear
  6. Conditional X unconditional
  7. Decided X  undecided
  8. Desirable X  undesirable
  9. Detected X  undetected
  10. Disputed X  undisputed
  11. Charged X  uncharged
  12. Economical X  uneconomical
  13. Enthusiastic X   unenthusiastic
  14. Expected X   unexpected
  15. Explained X  unexplained
  16. Impressive X   unimpressive
  17. Inhabited X uninhabited
  18. Inspiring X    uninspiring
  19. Original X   unoriginal
  20. Patriotic X   unpatriotic
  21. Remarkable X   unremarkable
  22. Suitable X   unsuitable
  23. Sympathetic X unsympathetic
  24. Tie X untie
  25. Welcome X unwelcome
  26. Wise X   unwise
  27. Usual X unusual
  28. Useful X unuseful
  29. Willingly X  unwillingly
  30. Reliable X unreliable
  31. Necessary X   unnecessary
  32. Affordable X   unaffordable
  33. Bearable X unbearable
  34. Comfortable X  uncomfortable
  35. Certain X  uncertain
  36. Common X uncommon
  37. Conventional X  unconventional
  38. Diplomatic X  undiplomatic
  39. Equal X unequal
  40. Forgivable X  unforgivable
  41. Fortunate X  unfortunate
  42. Fed X unfed
  43. Educated X  uneducated
  44. Fit X unfit
  45. Familiar X  unfamiliar
  46. Faithful X  unfaithful
  47. Fair X  unfair
  48. Healthy X  unhealthy
  49. Happy X   unhappy
  50. Important X  unimportant
  51. Kind X unkind
  52. Lucky X unlucky
  53. Like X unlike
  54. Married X  unmarried
  55. Natural X unnatural
  56. Pleasant X unpleasant
  57. Real X unreal
  58. Successful X unsuccessful
  59. Selfish X unselfish
  60. Settle X unsettle
  61. Sure X unsure
  62. Steady X unsteady

    Opposite words (Antonyms) are formed by using the prefix ‘in_____’

    1. Active X inactive
    2. Appropriate X inappropriate
    3. Complete X incomplete
    4. Considerate X inconsiderable
    5. Credible X incredible
    6. Dependence X independence
    7. Effective X ineffective
    8. Elegant X inelegant
    9. Formal X informal
    10. Justice X injustice
    11. Sufficient X insufficient
    12. Accurate X inaccurate
    13. Artistic X inartistic
    14. Capable X incapable
    15. Correct X incorrect
    16. Distinct X indistinct
    17. Decent X indecent
    18. Efficient X inefficient
    19. Human X inhuman
    20. Offensive X inoffensive
    21. Sincerity X insincerity
    22. Significant X insignificant


    Opposite words (Antonyms) are formed by using the prefix ‘dis_____’

    1. Appear X disappear
    2. Allow X disallow
    3. Belief X disbelief
    4. Connect X disconnect
    5. Courage X discourage
    6. Honest X dishonest
    7. Harmony X disharmony
    8. Organized X disorganized
    9. Mount X dismount
    10. Qualify X disqualify
    11. Satisfaction X dissatisfaction
    12. Similar X dissimilar
    13. Agree X disagree
    14. Arm X disarm
    15. Continue X discontinue
    16. Encourage X discourage
    17. Comfort X discomfort
    18. Honor X dishonor
    19. Loyal X disloyal
    20. Obey X disobey
    21. Pleased X displeased
    22. Regard X disregard
    23. Satisfied X dissatisfied
    24. Advantageous X disadvantageous

    Opposite words (Antonyms) are formed by using the prefix ‘mis_____’

    1. Behave X misbehave
    2. Pronounce X mispronounce
    3. Understanding X misunderstanding
    4. Lead X mislead
    5. Use X misuse

    Opposite words (Antonyms) are formed by using the prefix ‘im_____’

    1. Mortal X immortal
    2. Polite X impolite
    3. Probable X improbable
    4. Popular X impopular
    5. Possible X impossible
    6. Perfect X imperfect
    7. Prove X improve
    8. Proper X improper

    Opposite words (Antonyms) formed by using the prefixes  ‘de_____’, ‘extra____’ , ‘ig____’ , ‘mis____’, it______ , it_______’ , ‘non _____’ , ‘anti_______’ , ‘mal ______’

    1. Regular X irregular
    2. Literate X illiterate
    3. Nutrition X malnutrition
    4. Understand X misunderstand
    5. Cooperation X noncooperation
    6. Ordinary X extraordinary
    7. Thesis X antithesis
    8. Behave X misbehave
    9. Noble X ignoble
    10. Merit X demerit
    11. Corruption X anticorruption
    12. Function X malfunction


    Opposite words (Antonyms) are formed by changing the suffixes ending in  ‘ful’ or ‘y’ to ‘less____ ‘
    1. Careful X careless

    1. harmful X harmless
    2. painful X painless
    3. thorny X thornless
    4. colourful X colourless
    5. limited X limitless
    6. powerful X powerless
    7. useful X useless

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